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Bunting Care

To ensure your bunting has a long life, it is important to keep a few things in mind when storing:

how to care for bunting

How to care for and store printed bunting

  • When installing and removing your bunting, avoid dragging it along the ground as this could scratch the print or damage the flags.
  • Ensure your bunting is clean and dry before storing as mildew can attack the threads if left damp
  • Fold your bunting in the same way it was received – use a zig zag motion when folding  to bring flags together with header tape at the sides.  
  • Ideally store it hanging over the corners of a box as shown in the photo below, or if that is not possible store flat in a cool dry place.
  • Do not place heavy items on top of the lengths as it may cause them to stick together.

Bunting care

How to care for and store your classic pennant bunting

  • When installing and removing your bunting, avoid dragging it along the ground as this could  damage the flags.
  • Ensure your bunting is clean and dry before storing, as mildew can attack the threads if left damp
  • Store your bunting in the same way it was received;
    • If received in long lengths – drop the bunting loosely into a box or wheelie bin, taping the final tie end to the side of the box for easy removal / reuse.
    • Remember to store it loosely.  If you press the bunting down into the box it could damage the bunting.